Located in Roseville, CA
1. Most importantly, read and sign this Petition for the City of Roseville to take the first steps towards ensuring the preservation of Roseville's Historical Properties:
2. If you are the owner of a Roseville building that's 50 years or older and you've signed our petition, please contact us at alexaroberts@hotmail.com to be included on a separate list of historic building owners who support this cause.
3. Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals. Your generous donation will fund our mission to save our history.
We accept Paypal payments (donation button below) and checks.
Personal or Business checks are accepted in any amount, please remit with memo "Belvedere Preservation Alliance" and mail USPS to:
Belvedere Preservation Alliance
c/o Alexa Bohm
1070 Kensington Drive
Roseville, CA 95661